This was a few weeks ago at my school on a Tuesday. In our Social Studies class, instead of reading and writing in our notebooks, we decided that we would make our own landforms. A landform is one of the many forms of land. For example, a volcano and a mountain are both landforms. Almost everyone made a volcano because it was the easiest one. But I made an island. First, I sketched how I wanted it in my notebook. Next, I made it using clay. Then I made a pond in the middle, attached a stream that goes to sea, three little palm trees, a boat and a paddle. Finally, I painted everything – even the boat and the ocean. I used dark brown shade for the palm tree trunk and the boat. I used nice light green color for leaves. I used a deep blue for the ocean. Then, in the end, I added some white to the brown and used this light brown for the land. The white colors look like beaches. If you look closely, it looks like a donut! Hence I named it as “DONUT ISLAND”!
To my surprise, my uncle (Reji) and aunt (Sonali) told me that there actually exists such a donut shaped island in Philippines. Read this blog to see the real world donut islands.
So, what do you think ?