Nandan Nair

Annual 8th grade year book cover page design challenge – 2018


For the annual 8th grade year book cover page challenge, students from the Central Middle School were invited to participate in the challenge to design the cover book. The winner’s design will be the 8th grade year book cover page. It was an exciting opportunity and like many other artists from our school, I too participated in the challenge. While I did not win the contest, you can see at my cover page design.

With the school sketch at the center, I highlighted most of the activities that students can pursue while at Central. It is a great place to study for middle school.

For the annual 8th grade year book cover page challenge, students from the Central Middle School were invited to participate in the challenge to design the cover book. The winner’s design will be the 8th grade year book cover page. It was an exciting opportunity and like many other artists from our school, I too […]

So, what do you think ?