Nandan Nair

King Cobra – A Research Report


Dear Readers,

Since I recently finished  a painting of a  Cobra, and I have grown an  interest in snakes ,I have decided to write a report on all my research on Cobra’s as it is related to my painting and it is informative. I hope you enjoy.


All About King Cobras
King Cobras can grow to be up to 18 feet, making it the longest of all venomous snakes.
Cobras typically live up to 20 years old or more in the wild.
Cobras eat birds, fish, frogs, toads, lizards, eggs and chicks raised from poultry houses, small mammals, such as rabbits and rats, and even other snakes! Whoa! Talk about a big appetite! Cobras are at the top of the food chain. Their only predators are mongooses and people. Cobras weigh up to 15-20 pounds. A group of cobras is called a “quiver.

Cobras are respected in India and Southeast Asia. The Hindus consider them manifestations of the Indian god Shiva, the god of destruction and rebirth. The Buddhists believe a massive king cobra spread its hood over the Buddha while he meditated. Cobra images guard the entrances of many Buddhist and Hindu temples. So on the annual lunar holiday of Nag Panchami, Indians avoid plowing  and field work in respect of cobras.  I have also made a comparison grid:

Name Length Weight Food Chain Speed
King cobra 18 ft 15-20 lbs Birds, chicks etc. 10 mph
Black Mamba 14 ft 3.5 lbs Squirrels, birds, etc. 12 mph
Rattlesnake 5-6 ft 10 lbs Mice, rabbits, etc. 8.12 feet per second
Russel’s Viper 5-6 ft  differs Scorpions, squirrels, etc.    Unknown

Snake Comparisons
I hope you enjoyed reading my report and have a nice day. All the information was from the following websites:

So, what do you think ?